Webmail Tutorial
The technology Department of the Menifee County School District is very proud to present you with your own e-mail account.
It will provide you with your own username and password. You will have this mailbox until you graduate from the 12th grade. You are able to access your e-mail account from any computer with Internet capabilities worldwide.
The same username and password will allow you access to the Internet while you are at school.
REMEMBER this is a school mailbox and should contain school appropriate information. All school e-mail is monitored, this includes with your logon to the Internet with your username and password.
If you need assistance, Contact:
Mrs. Warren at 768-8102
How to Login
1. Click on the internet icon on the Desktop (if you are at school you must enter username and password when prompted).
2. If the school website does not appear, in the white address bar at the top type the school website www.menifee.kyschools.us
3. Click on the Webmail link
4. Login in using your username and password
(teachers will need to key menifee\username)
5. Click OK
How to Read a Message
1. Double click on the message that you wish to read
How to send a Message
1. Click on the New button on your toolbar; a new message dialog box opens
2. If you know the recipients email address key it in the "To" address bar
3. If it is an address within the school system click on the "To" button
4. Key the persons last name and first name in the appropriate boxes and click Find
5. When you locate the person you need double click their name and close the dialog box
6. Key the reason for your email in the Subject line
7. Key your message
8. Click the Send button on the toolbar
How to Delete a Message
1. Single click the message you to delete; click the delete button on the toolbar that looks like an X
How to add names to Address Book
1. Click on Contacts icon on the left side of the screen
2. Click on Compose New in the top right corner
3. Type the person's First Name, Last Name and their E-mail Address
4. Click on the Save icon (the disk) in the top left corner of the screen
How to send an Attachment
1. Compose your message
2. Click on Attachment button
3. Click on Browse
4. Find the file that you wish to send
5. Click Open
6. Click Attach
7. Close the attachment dialog box
8. Send the message